Affiliate Marketing-what is affiliate marketing-tech-point-talk

                        Affiliate Marketing

Hello guys, How are you all, welcome to my blog subjecttalk. Today our topic is Affiliate marketing.

Now comes on topic,
                                  What is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a way to earn passive income. In Affiliate marketing, the affiliate advertises the product and get a commission when the product is bought by someone.

Let me explain it step by step.
In Affiliate marketing, there are 3 types of person required.
  • Product Creator or Seller
  • An affiliate marketer (Advertiser)
  • Consumer or buyer (Customer)
1.Product Creator or Seller
For example, Flipkart, Amazon (or other e-commerce sites), Where the person sells his product.

2.An Affiliate Marketer (Advertiser)
An Affiliate Marketer marketer is a person who advertises the product of 
Seller and get profit when any person (consumer) buy the product by the affiliate link which is created by Affiliate Marketer.

An Affiliate link is a link address of the product from where you can buy the product.

3. Consumer (Customer)
When the Affiliate marketer shares the link of the product and when the consumer buys the product by the given link the affiliate gets some profit from that product bought.

How can I become an affiliate marketer?

To become an Affiliate marketer you have to create a strong communication by social media where you can share link and more crowds of people get your link to buy and more profit you get.


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