How to Make Effective Communication- techpointtalk


How to Make Effective Communication in   Business?

Hello Everyone Today  I am going to describe the 7Cs of effective business communication.

A business communication is called effective when it has 7Cs which is known as seven qualities or seven principles of effective business communication.

So Let's get started-

These are the 7Cs described below:

 1.Clarity- It means that simple language should be used in business communication. Conveying clear information enables the receiver to read the mind  of the sender.

 2.Completeness- It means that there should be complete information about the given Data to get the desirable response of the receiver. The Following points should be kept in Mind while writing a complete information-

                 1. Answering all questions asked.

                 2. Conveying extra details when desirable; however, the detailed should

                    be relevant.

                 3.Checking for five Ws, that is what, when, where, why, who.

 3.Conciseness- It means that there should be no superfluous details one should avoid  the use of wordy expressions and repetitions. The message should be short but with complete information.

4.Consideration- A sender while preparing a message keeps the receiver in mind. A sender, while sending the message should take into consideration the views, thoughts, background, mindset, and education level of the receiver and vice versa.

5.Correctness- Implies that message should state accurate facts and figures. Moreover, one should use the right level of language. In addition, the message should be free from grammar errors, spelling, and punctuation errors.

  6. Concreteness- It means that the message should be specific and to the point. One should avoid using obscure and vague language.

7. Courtesy- One should use polite words in message and should be appreciative, thoughtful, and tactful, while receiving or sending a message.

These were the 7Cs that are required for effective business communication.


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